Colourful Cups

March 20, 2011 § 4 Comments

My latest photographic challenge was to photograph a kitchenware item for a TAFE class. Some classes were “lucky” enough to be allowed to chose their item, whereas my class all drew theirs from a hat. I didn’t mind this however, it just meant I got what I was given and had the challenge of coming up with idea’s to make that item look awesome enough to go in an ad. I was lucky enough to get ‘Cups’ on my yellow post it note, which was a whole lot easier than some other item’s (I’m thinking melon baller).

After hunting around the internet for a few hours looking at idea’s, I had decided that I wanted to shoot brightly coloured plastic cups with a very summery feel to them (Try and think of lazing around the pool with a jug of cordial and ice blocks and you will get the feeling).

Anyway, with a lot of cordial, some fancy equipment and a fast shutter finger, here is what I came up with.

The next image didn’t come out with quite as much splash as I had hoped, but I still find it nice for its simplicity.

While I really wanted to use brightly coloured cordials in the shots, the below image with just water worked out really nice!

And finally below, the shot with the cordial exactly how I envisioned it!

So now is the part where you come in! I am torn between the last 2 shots, I really love the last one for the colour, which is exactly how I had thought it out, but the 3rd image is great too!

Let me know what you think either by comment here, or on facebook 🙂


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